Learning to fly is a journey - take it in steps.

The Trial Flight
Your first step...
If you have never been flying in anything smaller than a large passenger aircraft you will never forget your first trial flight! It is designed for you to have fun, and to familiarise you with the aircraft including safety and the flight controls, whilst taking in the scenery. The trial flight can be either a 30 minute or 1 hour flight and in both cases this will be preceded by a briefing session.
Once airborne at a safe height, you will have the opportunity to take control of the aircraft and fly yourself. Take advantage of the 1 hour flight – you get a lot more time at the controls, time to really get a feel of what it’s like to fly your own aircraft besides being simply a lot more fun!

Dual Instruction
Step Two
Once you’ve been bitten by the bug, you need to book some lessons. We work on a system of 2 hour lesson slots – this allows for a pre-flight briefing session with your instructor, a pre-flight inspection of the aircraft, 1 hour of flying and then a post-flight debrief. The cost is based on the 1 hour of flying time only, we don’t charge for the briefings.
Your initial flights will all be what we call ‘upper air work’ – your instructor will take you away from the airfield and you’ll work on all the foundation skills needed to fly. Once you’re ready you will move into the ‘circuit’ and put those skills to use learning to land the aircraft. Unlike some schools, we don’t charge you a landing fee each time you touch down!

Hitting the Books
Step Three
There are 5 exams you need to pass in order to gain your NPPL(M). Some people like to study at home while others prefer more of a classroom atmosphere, it’s all down to the individual.
We offer ‘Ground School’ by the hour – take a look at the prices and note that you can save by teaming up with other students.
You can sit the exams at any stage of your training although your instructor will normally guide you as to when you should be doing each one. None of the exams are too difficult with the answers being multiple choice with a pass mark of 70%.

Getting your licence
The Final Step
When your instructor thinks you’re ready, and you agree, you’ll be sent solo. You need a total of 10 hours solo flying to get your licence – you’ll start off flying the circuit on your own and then progress to heading out into the local area and returning to the airfield. You also need to complete two navigation exercises in which you’ll fly to another airfield, have a cake and then fly home again.
With everything in the syllabus done, and all your required hours in your logbook, you can sit your General Skills Test – the flying equivalent of your driving test.
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